Finalising our Ability west strategy 2025-2030

Finalising our Ability West Strategy 2025-2030

We are in the final stages of developing our Ability West Strategy for 2025-2030. This new strategy will serve as our guide for the next five years. So far, we have gathered feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, including our partners (such as the HSE), our Board, staff, and the individuals we support. Now, we would like to invite our families to share any thoughts, feedback, or suggestions they may have.

  • We acknowledge that, in recent years, our communication with families has not been sufficient, and improving this aspect is a key priority in our new Strategy.

  • We are also aware of the growing need for more residential and respite services. However, the availability of these services is contingent on securing additional funding, and we continue to collaborate with our partner, the HSE, to advocate for increased funding in these critical areas.

  • We recognize that staffing challenges, including high turnover, have had a negative impact on our services. Recruiting in a competitive labour market is difficult, and retaining staff is even more challenging due to the pay disparity between our organisation and Section 38 entities. We continue to lobby the government on this issue, a concern that is shared by other organisations of similar status.

  • This year, we began the process of regionalising our services. Although this initiative is still in its early stages, we are confident that it will have a positive impact on the support provided to individuals in our services across Galway City and County. The pilot for regionalisation is underway in Tuam and will soon be expanded to other areas.

Please feel free to provide your suggestions. Your feedback is welcomed.

These are the four pillars of the draft Ability West Strategy 2025-2030.

"Enhance Governance and Management - Embed structured to support the delivery of services to each individual." 

"Person Centred Support - Develop Service Excellence in the Delivery of Person-Centred Support."

"People - Value and invest in the people of Ability West." 

"Sustainability and Improvement - Sustain and improve continuity of services."

Below is a link for you to take this survey, as a family member or relative of a person in our services. We have provided the four pillars of our current draft strategy in the survey and you will have the opportunity to provide feedback under each of the headings. Please note that the survey will close on Friday 14th March at 17:30 hrs.

Julie Silke Daly, Chief Executive Officer, Ability West

March 10, 2025.
