Currently, there are 28 designated residential and respite centres and 28-day services in Galway city and county. In addition, we provide community support service to sixty-seven families in the community on a Monday to Friday basis.
As part of Ability West’s commitment to continuous improvement and standardisation across all services and to future proof the services for growth and development, we restructured the Area Service Management team into two areas of responsibility – residential / respite designated centres and day services in September 2023. We now have four Area Service Managers who are responsible for residential and respite designated centres and a new Area Service Manager responsible for Day Services.
This allows the Area Service Managers for the relevant services to ensure that they can support the Service Managers / Persons in Charge and ensure ongoing improvement in governance and management, continuous improvement initiatives, develop and maintain the service standards in all services across the region for the people we support. Also, as part of the Operational Support and services team is the Community Support and Respite manager who manages the provision of the community support plus the adult and children respite allocation.
In 2023, we provided…
Residential, respite and day services for 493 people across the city and county.
12,429 community support hours for adults and 1,563 community support hours for children.
10,110 respite nights for adults and 2,275 respite nights for children.