Psychology Department
The Psychology Department has a multifaceted role in Ability West. The team has a responsibility for the assessment of people with an intellectual disability, as well as those that have co-morbid mental health issues, such as autism, ADHD and dementia. The team also has a key role in developing intervention and support plans for people with issues ranging from behavioural issues to self-harm and dementia, through to training and support for staff and families.
As a department the psychology team delivers training on a wide variety of topics ranging from autism, mental health presentations, the menopause through to topics such as personal development, relationships and sexuality, as well as topics such as trauma.
Psychology is a key discipline in the lives of many of the people that we support, particularly at times of transition or change and the team are focussed on empowering the people they work with in a respectful and person-centred manner, with a specific emphasis on the will and preference of the person.
Rafaela Simples
Psychology Support, engaging with a person supported by Ability West
Tracy Parker
Head of Psychology