Quality & Compliance
As part of our obligation to provide a quality service under the Health Act (2004) and (2007) we strive towards continuous improvement and recognise the vital importance of maintaining high standards in line with best practice.
The Quality and Compliance Department supports the organisation in this and in implementing and overseeing a quality management system, using the ISO9001:2015 standard, with the aim of identifying, measuring, reviewing, improving and enhancing the various core services and supports leading to improved outcomes for service users. This also includes supporting the organisation in adhering to legislative, regulatory requirements and maintaining continual high standards.
Emer Power
Eileen Costello Conneelly
Deirdre Breen
The Quality and Compliance Department also aims to be an early warning system which is key in terms of risk management. Ability West faces a wide range of strategic, operational and financial risks, from both internal and external factors, and we need to be constantly reviewing our processes in this regard - this is part of identification of risk in the organisation.
Consequently, risk management is the planned and systematic approach to identifying, evaluating and responding to these risks and providing assurances that responses are effective. We have a comprehensive integrated risk management policy with related procedures - this is in line with ISO 9001:31000 framework. Risk management processes, and the corporate risk register are key elements in this regard, supported by robust information systems.