We want to make it easy for you to reach out to us, whether you have an initial enquiry about our services, a relative supported by one of our services, or a general question. Please use the form below to send us a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
Here is a simple-to-use form to streamline your enquiry/contact. Please select the topic from the dropdown menu that best describes the reason for your contact.
Do not include any personal or sensitive information in your contact request.
Ensure you include your contact details (email address or telephone number) so we can get in touch with you.
Response Time: We aim to respond within 72 hours, and often much sooner.
Privacy Notice: All personal information provided in this form will be treated in accordance with GDPR guidelines and with respect for your data privacy.

The contact number of our Blackrock House Head office is 091-540900
When you call or visit Blackrock House you will be greeted by one of our friendly receptionists. John Farragher works mornings and Edel Salmon works afternoons
Reception services are available during business hours 9.00 am - 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. John and Edel will give you every assistance and treat your visit, contact or enquiry with respect and confidentiality.
Meet John
John Farragher
Meet Edel
Edel Sammon

Freedom of Information and Data Protection
If you have any queries please contact
Email foi@abilitywest.ie
Email dp@abilitywest.ie
Ability West complies with Freedom of Information and Data Protection legislation, and there are robust processes in place in this regard. The organisation has a Freedom of Information Publication Scheme in place which can be accessed through our website. Data Protection policies and procedures are in place. Year on year improvements have been made with regard to data breaches which reflects increased awareness about data protection across the organisation.