For Schools, other services like Psychology, behaviour support, speech therapy, physiotherapy and OT are organised by your CDNT, not Ability West.

Tigh Nan Dooley School

Ár Scoil

Ráiteas Misean

Is é ár misean ná deiseanna a chruthú tríd an oideachas, i dtimpeallacht atá tacúil agus sona chun feabhas a chuir ar shaol paistí a bhfuil riachtanaisí speisialta acu agus ar shaol a gclann.

Is iad éirim an Iarrthar pátrún na scoile.

Ar misean agus ár n-éiteas.

  • cuireann muid scoil atá fáilteach, cairdiúil ar fáil ina n-oibríonn foireann na scoile, na teaghlaigh agus gairmeacha eile le chéile ar mhaitheas leis na páistí.

  • Cruthaímid timpeallacht shábhailte, fáilteach agus spreagúil ina mbíonn daoine sásta agus a bhfuil deacradh dearfach acu.

  • Tá meas againn ar indibhidiúlacht.

  • Aithnímid agus ceiliúraimid gach cultúrtha agus reiligiúnach.




Peigí Ní Chonghaile

Rang Luath Idirghabhála-
Early Intervention Class-Muinteoir

Maria Ní Loingsigh

Rang Sóisearach
Junior Class- Muinteoir

Muinteoir Elaine o Malley

Rang Sinsearach
Senior Class- Muinteoir

Catrina Dunne

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create opportunities through education, in an environment that is caring, supportive and happy, improving the lives of children with special needs and the lives of their families.

Ability West is the patron of Tigh Nan Dooley Special School.

Our Mission and Ethos.

  • we provide a friendly, warm, welcoming school where families, school staff and other professionals work together for the benefit of the children.

  • we create a safe, stable, welcoming and stimulating environment where individuals are happy and have a positive attitude.

  • We value individuality.

  • We recognise and celebrate all cultural and religious backgrounds.