Meet Janella and John

We are Janella and John and we have been providing home sharing since 2010. 

We currently provide 20 nights per month between four adults with high support needs in our home, with the support and guidance from the Ability West Home Sharing team. 

Our experience of home sharing has been very rewarding, and we get great satisfaction from providing an alternative caring environment.  The people we host become like members of the family and engage in all family activities, such as visiting extended family, attending birthday parties, and anniversary dinners etc.  We volunteer with RNLI (Lifeboats) as fundraisers and we include our guests in these activities, which they really like!

We enjoy being a part of each person's network of supports, and appreciate seeing them enjoying life by the choices they make, and knowing we are helping them to make this possible. The best thing about home sharing is being able to give our guests the opportunity to try new experiences in a family environment and in a safe way.

Janella and John Fitzmaurice


Jose with his sister Juliana